Christ Church Cambridge

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A whole lot of love.

Photo by S&B Vonlanthen on Unsplash

It is funny how Christmas TV adverts have become such a big part of the Christmas build up these days. “I wonder what the [insert shop] Christmas advert will be this year?”, is said in anticipation by many. Hints are dropped in almost trailer-like fashion and then the advert arrives, and social media goes nuts.

Maybe I have lost you at this point because you couldn’t care less about a Christmas advert, and if that is the case fair enough.

But as I gleefully enjoyed spending a bit of time watching a whole range of them recently (and there are plenty to watch!) what struck me was an overarching similarity behind of all of them; that they all suggest Christmas is about love. Whether it is being with the ones we love, eating the food we love or showing love to others in the things we give and do. All these adverts suggest to me the world is crying out for love.

It got me thinking because, although there is nothing in essence wrong with any of that, they miss the greatest love we celebrate at Christmas.

John reminds us that God is love and has shown his love in sending Jesus to this world so we can know this love, know Him, personally! It doesn’t rely on restrictions being lifted, it doesn’t rely on cooking timings going to plan, and it doesn’t rely on choosing the right present for someone. This love is on offer now to everyone because Jesus came into this world, he walked and taught, he died and rose again; for us. That is love!

And that is the love we can hold out to a world crying out for it. Knowing this love ourselves is what should motivate us to hold it out by telling others about Jesus. Whether that is in conversations at work, with friends or family, or inviting people along to some of our Christmas events.

The John Lewis ad which ends with: “Give a little love” and “Together we can make a big difference”.

Well, the true message of Christmas means we can do more than that. We can give a whole lot of love this Christmas and make the biggest difference by showing people love itself, God himself, in Jesus! “This is how God showed his love among us: he sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.”

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