First Steps
First Steps is a group for parents and carers with children up to age four, at 10-11.45am on Fridays and Wednesdays during term time. Our aim is to provide a safe, friendly and fun environment in which babies and toddlers can play and learn, while parents and carers build friendships.
We look forward to welcoming you to First Steps! Come along and join us for one of our weekly sessions, choose either a Wednesday or a Friday. During each session there will be craft, sensory play, singing, a Bible story, puzzles, ride-ons and a wide range of toys.
There is a suggested donation of £1 per family per session.
At present, you do not need to book in advance for the sessions. If, in the future, our sessions become overcrowded, we will reintroduce the booking system.
If you have any questions, please contact